Basic Side Effects of Feeling Good

The Crystal’s great and long history dates back to the beginnings of the Existence of Earth.

But believe me, their real journey begins, the moment you choose them.

Brought to us by Mother Nature through eruptions, they bounded the Earth's Elements and their Balancing Power.

They are infinite transformers and transmitter of energy and information carriers.

The Pyramid Shape amplifies & multiplies these attributes.

Basic first general Benefits

▲ You care more about good thoughts and things for you and others.
▲ You are kinder to yourself and others, also in disturbing moments.
▲ You spread positivity in your words and actions.
▲ You feel inspired, creative, clear and eager to enjoy your life.
▲ Your body can restore and heal.
▲ Your mind is open for solutions.
Within days you will experience shifts like

▲ your overall vitality enhances, you are more frisky, alive and eager.

▲ your mood & emotional issues smoothen.
▲ your calmness, openness, and awareness evolve.
▲ you feel more lighthearted, happier, clearer.
▲ you become more receptive to the good things in life.


▲ having more fun, smiling more easily and more often.
▲ positive thoughts & inspiring ideas arise.
▲ issues might not affect you too much anymore.
▲ often 'things or solutions' seem to flow with ease.

Remember it is an individual process, but,


The Pyramids vibe high → you vibe high → you feel good → you think positive → and you attract this! (and not the negative side)

Everything in Life & Nature is based on the Balance of the Earth & Life Force, which is a bigger part of all of us. This pure positive energy is a big part of us. Our soul, source, spirit, the non-physical, infinite Intelligence or consciousness. 

The Crystal Pyramids provide these vibes and let us connect easily.

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By Earth & Life Force