About us

Why do we do what we do?

After living and struggling, feeling burnt out and lost, doubting, feeling insecure, fearful and completely wrong, there is so much joy, pleasure and ease now ... We simply cannot not share the influence and impact that we have experienced over the past 25 years.

We are not here to fight, to feel bad or even to suffer!

We are not here to survive, but to live, create, enjoy, learn and develop in a place with infinite possibilities.

Once you understand how the earth and the universe work, it becomes strange to continue to live on old ideas and beliefs.


From a new perspective everything is so clear and simple.

Each one of us has the ability to connect to his/her own power of abundance.

As soon as you feel and see the signs of natural change, you will love to explore and appreciate your personal, natural flow and the establishing ease in your life. 

Everything is always in perfect relationship with each other, and everything will develop for the good in life.


We have brought it to our goal

to share our thoughts, our knowledge and our accumulated wisdom with you and to be open to support you in every possible way.



Our view is

Everyone has his/her life to live - it is yours - live it happily.

No one else can live your life.

No one can tell you how to live it.

Nobody else knows how you feel

Nobody else can tell you what comes next




About the 'tools' we offer

We carefully and personally select the best manufacturer and production our Crystal Pyramids. We guarantee their quality and efficiency.

We recommend only Crystal Pyramids, and any other products, which genuinely meet the desired quality. Otherwise, their effect would not be in alignment with our offer.

Furthermore, we will always explain the use and effectiveness of all products honestly and accurately to the best of our knowledge.

Our prices are fairly calculated and include all possible support from our side.


Our experience

We have been working with these pyramids ourselves and with many others for over 20 years. During this time we have also experienced "the many different processes and tools" that are available around the world, which we all appreciate very much, but we have never experienced or found this complete, simple and indisputable, self-directed guidance that we have experienced with the Crystal Pyramids and which led us to our Know-How. 

The tools are the best, and together with our capability to guide you along here on Earth & Life Force, we guarantee that you very soon will be able to benefit from this simple but highly efficient work to make your life easier and to feel better and better.

For us, at this point, it is important to share ‘for the good’ for all.

We all live on this planet, and everyone should feel comfortable living their lives. We want you to reach ease about old beliefs, yourself and to enjoy your own journey.


Final Note

We do not intent to teach you, our words are meant to lead you to new understanding and perspectives and the awareness of your personal experiences. Your thoughts, feelings and living life teaches you. Remember, life only moves forward, always. What you feel and think today will create your tomorrow and we can choose to make it to feel better, happier and healthier, more fulfilled and more at ease.


All our offers and words are directed to everybody in resonance with them and interested in accomplishing changes in their lives to feel better, clearer and more empowered.


Eagerly and passionately looking forward and reaching out to you


Cleo @ Earth & Life Force





We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all for the many experiences, opportunities and situations that have allowed us to grow little by little into what we are NOW.

A special appreciation goes to Esther and the Abraham Hicks Productions, because after more than 20 years of our personal and conscious work with not only the Crystal Pyramids, we "stumbled" a few months ago over the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Our response was immense, and we got evidence to finish this page, which is actually ready since 2 years. We were thrilled to hear someone who 'thinks crazy' as we do. Her perfectly profound words and immense power of pure alignment inspired us to do what we love to do:

This Earth & Life Force project that has evolved in our work over the last 20 years. We are tremendously pleased, happy and eager, but most of all, in full appreciation for your phenomenal and powerful work and that ‘you have found us’, dear Esther-Abraham-Hicks.

In our work, we have found quite some words, phrases or explanations used by Esther-Abraham-Hicks and some we have learned and adopted from her. (we loved the straight way ‘be selfish’). Moreover, I have to include here: Just now after writing ‘the law of resonance’, the term we are using since 20 years and happy not to use Esther's term "the law of attraction" (which we knew but have not used), of course we, "stumbled" again over a excellent speech by Esther Hicks: ‘It's about resonance'.

It's just adorable how frequencies work, isn’t it?

We greatly appreciate all these similarities, and are pleased to bring this as a brief example, while pointing out and deeply honoring the amazing work of Esther-Abraham-Hicks.



Updated June 20


By Earth & Life Force