Earth & Life Force

Earth & Life Force

is the constantly pulsating Energy of our Earth and the Universe.


Its frequencies are in a constant 'act of balance' to sustain not only its existence but the existence of everything that exists..

Every living organ is maintained by this perfectly harmonized system of balance. It is the source of existence and life itself.


The Earth Force has a quite low, deep, and steadily pulsing frequency.

It is a base-energy for maintaining all there is, also called earthing or grounding energy.  

The Earth maintains itself

by exchanging her low and the Universe's high frequencies to stay in perfect balance.  

These lower frequencies

are to be understood as a denser, more compact, heavier, materialized energy and related to negative emotions or experiences.

Higher frequencies

are the ones which surround us and the entire world, and to be understood as lighter, finer, more sensitive, flexible, and mostly invisible energy which relate to good feeling, happy emotions and experiences.


Some astonishing measurements made in Bovis Units(BU):
The Earth is maintaining itself with Energies in the range of  7’000 to 18’000 BU.
The energy level of a healthy, powerful and balanced person lies between  8’000 to 10’000 BU.
The tap or bottle water scales between 2’000 and 5’000 BU.
Life-detracting energies for humans are below 6’500 BU.


Actually, we all don’t need a Bovis Scale or any measurements.

We know how we feel.


Feeling good = BALANCED:

empowered, happy, positive, lighthearted, content, eager, calm, creative, …. 

you’re connected to your source and in your own power enjoying life at its Best.

If you are balanced 23/7 you still can improve, but you surely know how it works. Congrats! Keep going!
But very often, we emotionally respond to the polarity in our world. Up and down, high and low, which is exactly the way everything works.

Feeling drained = OFF BALANCE:

exhausted, irritated, confused, overwhelmed, negative, emotionally unstable ….

At these moments you are not connected to your source and not in your own power, which feels mostly quite unpleasant to us.

Nevertheless, these experiences are your best markers to become aware of how you feel and it tells you exactly what you need and want: to feel better:

 We, humans, function the same way as the stuff we are made of.
to Feel Good.
That’s All.
Everything else follows, establishes, and falls into place along the journey.


Good Choice

Earth, itself. Outside in Nature. Balance yourself with a nice, easy stroll through the woods, climbing a mountain, or running along the beach. Or walking barefoot in the grass, lying in a beautiful spring meadow, catching the first warm sun rays in the early morning or watching the stars at night... Breathing fresh air and relaxing. You will balance and recharge immensely.

Best tool

Our natural Crystal Pyramids. We see the engagement with the Crystal Pyramids as an additional, and even more effective, efficient, easier, and faster way to achieve your best feelings.

The work with the Crystal Pyramids:

  • involves you deliberately and actively
  • leads you to a profound focus on your inner feeling
  • you can literally do it everywhere
  • fits in every schedule
  • consumes very little of your time
  • leaves you completely independent
  • allows you to spontaneously adapt to your personal preferences
  • gives processes to stabilize yourself on upcoming daily situation

    This deliberate process is more conscious, profound, clearer and most it gives you the opportunity to grow your awareness of yourself and the ongoing process. 

    You will enjoy the journey to achieve your balance and the 'good feelings' while experiencing many positive side effects in your daily life.

    Deliberately influence yourself.
    Connect and raise your vibes


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