

Is the stuff we and everything are made of. 

Everything that exists is frequency.

The Earth, the Universe, and every living organism. 

Every information, experiences on any level, every feeling and emotion, every thought ever thought, every word ever spoken, all the desires and wishes - all are different frequencies. 

Furthermore, every invention, every creation, every building, every thing and substance or whatever, - all are frequencies and were determined by frequencies. Their immense abundance and effectiveness far exceeds our imagination, even though in understanding it basically, we can see or approach our reality and the lives we live differently.


Let’s look at it this way, it is actually so simple. And we are all allowed to make things simple, as it eases our lives immensely.


The lower the frequency:

The lower the frequency, the denser, harder, heavier, more compact and tangible or, in a personal experience it refers to our body, organs etc. and also to the more negative and emotional aspects, which relate to our thinking and feeling.


The higher the frequency:

the lighter, easier, intangible, and mostly ‘invisible’, but for us humans an experience of a positive, joyful, vital, healthy and empowered feeling, as our thoughts are on the positive side.


But never really mind, they are all just vibes.

There is nothing good or bad about them. They just work this way.

Different ones which all are interacting and depending on each other. One cannot exist without the other. Everything is what it is, and has its counterpart to balance and to create new. This play, or game, of the frequencies is a perfect arrangement of a harmonic, interactional ‘Art of Balance’. 


Well, as we are all made of these frequencies, like every other living organism, the earth and the universe, our body and mind - our own high and low vibes -depend upon our own balance to feel good.

By the way, feeling good includes all the means of high vibes and really tells: all is well!
How do you feel when you feel good? Or when you are in love? (got the highest vibes there)

This act of balance and recharging is an absolutely normal, even necessary process to keep our entire body system healthy and empowered.

Our life-efforts and ways of living are often very demanding, energy-consuming, and nowadays overloaded with information. Today more than ever we need to have fully charged batteries to be able to keep up with everything.

Recharging has never been easier, faster or more efficient than these days, and now you know even how simple and natural a task it is.


What often holds our body system off our natural process to automatically balance are only our own thoughts. Which are mostly great belief-systems which flow everywhere, mostly influenced by in-flowing information, the unsuspectingly reacting to our old patterns, misunderstanding of our basic physical and mental needs.  

These are all frequencies, too! Guess which ones :)

In the middle of all these various frequencies there is the zero-zone, the balance, the point of nothing which includes everything, the NOW, the present, the middle where the pendulum swing, the changing point, the switching point, …


This higher vibes will lead you to higher / more positive thoughts and therefore to feeling good, getting in your natural flow, and achieving more in less time. (You know that feelings and emotions express your thoughts, don’t you?)


The Crystal Pyramids naturally balance these high and low frequencies like the Earth and the Universe. They lead your mind & body-system into this balancing-act, so you can easily find your way back into your own power of joyfulness, well-being, vitality, or anything you want, as your are allowed to think freely. 

It is all about balancing your low vibes with the high ones. It's all about frequencies, nothing good or bad, right or wrong, black or white - just balance of vibes.

Check also 'they work like magnets' and many more in our Wow's, How's & Why's.

Influence yourself and your life by balancing your vibes.


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