They work like Magnets

They work like Magnets

The Earth & Life Force is pulsing within and from these Natural Crystal Pyramids

Crystals are made by Nature, Earth itself. 

They are a 100% pure composition of earth-fragments, which are pushed to the surface of the earth, mostly by magma. During the cooling process, these special fragments form to Crystals.

Their power is well-none and highly respected since eons of time.

Each one of them

  • carries the power of the Earth&Life Force
  • maintains itself like the Earth itself
  • naturally balances low versus high frequencies
  • transmits and transforms energy, information or frequencies around themselves

 Their pyramid shape

  • bundles and amplifies the Life Force (also often called Chi, Prana, Lebenskraft, Mana, etc.)
  • the natural Crystals' Power is enhanced
  • allows more and stronger transmissions and transformation
  • the impact of the influencing range raises and widens
  • the Life Force is the pure high and positive energy


All available to you anytime and anywhere to lead your overall body system to its own connection for renewal and empowerment.


The Crystal Quartz Pyramids all automatically

  • adapt to you, your frequencies, your intentions, and information.
  • support you to let go of negative/low frequencies.
  • balance your momentary states to regain your power.
  • ground you to transfer those positive/high frequencies that recharge you.
  • work in perfect harmony with each other and their surrounding
  • align and interact among themselves, to align with you, and your momentary situation.

    Their influence supports you to experience the power within you.
    Your connection to the Earth&Life Force Energy is
    • the necessary basic live-giving energy (Life-Force) of every living organism.
    • the cause and effect of all existence.
    • the origin, or source, or essence, or the substance we and everything else is made of.
    • the fuel that keeps you alive and healthy.
    • living life feeling inspired, creative, joyful, healthy, and empowered.
    • your 'Good Place'.
    • connects you to yourself, your inner, own power, your soul, your self.
    • your consciousness, your presence, your awareness, your higher good.
    • the influence to ease your life.


    And it is so simple because it is the most natural thing.

    • The Crystal Pyramids work like Magnets, as the take low frequencies and exchange them with high ones. They do this for themselves and for whatever influence they are in. 
    • As you spend time with them, they gradually take your low vibes and in exchange for them, you receive high frequencies.
    • It is the 'balancing-act' of frequencies. A completely natural process of all there is. The balancing of polarity. 
    • Your body-system functions the same way to sustain your 'being-alive, being-healthy, being happy'.
    • Easily benefit from the Power of the Crystal Pyramids and enjoy living your life feeling good, joyful, and inspired.



    Enjoy How to basic and some general possibilities of usage. 

    For you to easily experience, build, and to sustain your own power we offer you the best and most efficient process of achievement in 3 short, easy, and delightful steps. 

    Through the balancing work with our Crystal Pyramids, you will gradually and easily become aware of how it feels to feel good. You easily will grow into allowing and receiving more good feelings. You will become aware of smooth shifts through good feeling experiences in your daily life.

    Soon you are able to focus on deliberately creating your good feelings, manifesting on purpose and to maintain your well-being. 

    As this is already a very advanced approach, we think it is important for you to know, to get a glimpse of how to start off to ease your life and to deliberately influence yourself.

    The 'How to Advance' will be coming soon.


    Imagine this: A hint to the Power of a Crystal Quartz

    Until this day, Crystal Quartz is used in Quartz watches (that is why they are called like that) as a 'timekeeping' mechanism. These watches run on battery but use a Crystal Quartz (might be a tiny one), which balances the accuracy of the time. 


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