

Balance is all you need. Here you will find everything you need.

The place you connect to the Earth&Life Force, your source. It is your base, your source, your charging-station, your dock to upload and to recharge your batteries.

  • It is the place that connects you back to the essential, fundamental, and natural characteristics of your being.
  • It is the place of high frequencies.
  • It is the place where you feel good.
  • It is the place to renew and sustain your empowerment.

Here, at 'the Balance-Place' or let us call it 'the Good-Place', your body & mind-system sets into 'renewal and empowering mode' which makes you feel good, alive, vital, eager, happy, thriving, emotionally stable, loving, inspired, following your gut, knowing what you want, loving life and enthusiastic about what will come to you on your journey called life.

Based on the ‘law of resonance' this also means: 

  • From the 'Good-Place' there can only come good things to you.
  • P.s. The 'Good-Place' can only be good because there are only high/positive frequencies, and so when you are there you only can feel good. 

’Nothing really exists but your feeling, or existence of the fullness of plane, pure positive energy'. 

You reach 'the good place', by balancing your own, personal high and low frequencies. In reaching for this balance your vibration raises (see  also How to Basic) automatically.

Balance is often experienced as

  • a feeling of being in ‘a neutral zone’, in the middle of the polarity of your outside and inside world. Nothing to trouble you but all to renew. 
  • a profound knowing that: 'Everything is perfectly fine now, always was and always will be. 
  • you just trust the process, yourself, you feel confident within yourself,
  • feeling your own power and potential, being securely present, clear, and in full awareness.
  • a place of stillness, emptiness, nothingness with the simultaneous feeling of an immense fullness, abundance, presence, clarity, ease, and perfectness.

Reaching and spending some time in 'the good place', if it's only for seconds, will influence your life by just simply feeling good within days. 

Doing your daily practice will strengthen your stability of the high vibes. You will become aware of many benefits within the first 2 to 3 weeks at least.

In your daily life, these experiences establish themselves more and more  according to the law of attraction. The first things you will mention is often described as a feeling of being more present, clearer, and more aware of yourself, what is happening to you and around you. You experience the 'NOW'. 

These ‘NOW-MOMENT’ is your awareness of your own high vibes, feeling all you found in the emptiness/fullness of 'the Good Place'. You are balanced and therefore connected to your source, the Earth&Life Force. You are your natural self, balanced and empowered being, which allows you to be 'in the flow'.

The the 'law of resonance' lets you then experience more of how you feel. (another hamster-wheel effect, but one that will expand for the good with you and for you),

Reaching for balance is an experimental way of feeling yourself into the 'nothingness/fullness', (which is the state of 'no thought') an experience for everyone unique and never exactly the same. These moments represent the high, pure positive frequencies and are always very satisfying, joyful, inspiring, and powerful. Very often thoughts, ideas, and profound understanding or knowledge float to you. You do not 'think' them, you 'receive' them.

Be selfish to allow yourself the benefit of gaining back your natural power of being and to ease your life.

Be selfish to feel good. To become your powerful being you are born to be.  Influence yourself.


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