Law of Resonance

Law of Resonance

Is a physical law, like gravity.

The law of resonance means that one frequency swings best with the same or similar frequency and this is why they attract each other. They swing together harmonically as they are similar.

Your feelings are vibrating out in the world and attract the same vibrations. Whatever 'vibes' you are spreading, they all bring you the same vibes back. 

Understanding this allows you to retrieve from blame or similar to others. Everything is always only about ourselves, our own frequencies attract our reality into realization. 

For Example:   

If you feel, or better said believe to be insecure you will experience more often situations that confirm your insecurity.  
If you feel good you will experience more pleasing moments and situations.
It is all so simple. 

So by allowing yourself to feel good by thinking good feeling thoughts, your feeling of insecurity will diminish. 

The resonance of  what is realized amplifies to a more powerful vibration and therefore attracts the same frequencies easier and faster.

This means, the more you empower yourself to feel good, healthy, secure or whatever you want, the stronger your vibes become and will easily attract more situations with these vibrations. 

How you feel inside resonates with the world around you. The law of resonance will attract more of the same vibes for you. You will receive what you have in mind, your focus upon. There are the contrary frequencies out there, of course, but you only can receive what you have yourself. You can choose your thoughts deliberately. It is all about you.

Whatever feeling is dominant, it will resonate with the same vibes inside your body and in your outside world.

As our overall body system works the same as the Earth and the Universe, it will easily resonate with our Crystal Pyramids and vice versa. Your overall Body & mind system will adapt and connect to its source, the Earth&Life ForceThe Crystal Pyramids work like Magnets. 

Tune in - Balance - Recharge to allow your thoughts a short vacation to freely resonate with the natural flow or your being. The natural empowered human to ease your life and enjoying it.


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