How to Basic

How to Basic

There are 3 Steps

for you to understand the natural and fluent process of the Earth & Life Force to which your body system will instinctively connect and benefit. 

Actually it is all one process, you just spend time with them and chill.

Soon you will feel very comfortable, appreciative, and happy with because The Crystal Pyramids work like Magnets

Please use these 3 Steps as guidance to understand and, if you wish to, to beneficially know how to support it yourself. (see below: Helpful to support the process) It is the best, easiest, and most efficient way.


  1. Tune in - let go
    1. The pyramids collect your low vibes
    2. Your mind calms in preparation for your body system
    3. Your overall system calms and starts to balance
  2. Balance - Be at ease
    1. Your body and mind allows you to receive
    2. Every cell and fiber of your body reaches for its balance 
    3. Your inner system instinctively connects itself to the source of energy, the natural Earth&Life Force.
  3. Recharge - Load your Batteries
    1. The pyramids spread enhancing high frequencies
    2. Your body is gradually adapting to implement and adjust to the higher frequencies
    3. Your complete body & mind systems experience a positive renewal and empowerment
Smile! and be proud of yourself. You’ve just accomplished the best start for an amazing day ahead.
    Do this as long as it feels good (about 15 min)

    Do it every day (best in the morning, as your mind might be quieter)
    For your entire body-system, this is a completely natural and fluent process.
      Feel your way along and experience what happens. Let yourself surprise by a delightful journey to experience smooth, gentle but powerful shifts within yourself.


      THE BASIC INTENTION IS: to calm your mind. 

      THE AIM IS:  to find your Balance - 'Your neutral Zone' 

      PRIORITY IS:: 'I feel good during the process'

      FINAL INTENTION of the Basic Process is: I feel good all day long.


      Helpful to support the process:   

      • Best is to sit, straight, comfortably
      • Focus on the flow of the Crystal Pyramids
        • low energy leaves and is renewed by high frequencies
      • Just be there, chill and feel yourself inside
      • breathe normally, soon intenser and deeper and more deliberate
        • feel your way along easily
        • if thoughts distract you just focus back on your breathing
        • follow it in your thoughts
      • Recharging happens automatically during your 'act of balance'  


      Allow yourself a few days or at the most a few weeks to become aware of easy shifts in your daily life. These might be quite subtle at the beginning, but you will mention them maybe like:

      • you've been getting out of bed in the morning more vital than before
      • you have been smiling more lately
      • you're more at ease and less stressed
      • you're arriving on time at the office
      • traffic is running more fluently
      • your husband/wife or others smile more often
      • your kids are calmer
      • your dog obeys better
      • or, or, or, or, .... (p.s. I'd love to hear about your personal experiences)


      General uses:

      You can use the Power of these Crystal Pyramids in any situation, on any occasion, and concerning any subject, whatever feels good to you.

      You can also place them onto your body in pleasing arrangements, or under your pillow, or next to the computer, or during studying, or place them close to your bottle of water. 

      Be inventive and have fun with them. They work the way they work everywhere.

      Their helpful and pleasant qualities delight anyone at any age, situation, phase, or stage of their lives.

      Their vibes are fortunate in any area of anyone's life

      • business
      • private
      • family
      • kids
      • pets
      • communication
      • writing
      • complex arrangements, plans, visions, creations
      • whatever you need help with

      They are the best and most effective tools to implement your self-empowerment in any way you want, as long as it feels good to you.

      Soon you will feel the benefit to easily grow into the person you are: Emotionally stable, clear, deliberate, and achieving all you want.

      Furthermore, you will understand the law of resonance, expand your consciousness and your emotional intelligence.

      They are really just here to ease your life.

      These are just Basics. Once you're stable and happy in your balance, there are endless potentials to achieve with the Power of the Crystal Pyramids.

      'How to Advance' will soon be available for you. 


      Anyone of the Pyramids you might choose will make the best combination for you. Their interaction creates an endless variety of combinations to please you.

      Trust your feeling, intuition, knowing, or wanting. Choose by heart as every decision will be the perfect match.

      Influence yourself to become the best version of yourself and to enjoy life - being happy, healthy, and wealthy.


      Keep in mind, these tips are based upon over 20 years of personal experiences from myself and many others. These are the best and most efficient pathways to start off. It is a guide for you to reach all the really good feelings of the high and positive vibes. To connect to yourself, your consciousness and to experience your own potential. It is all about you!

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