

A certain degree of selfishness is necessary, e.g.

  • to sustain your own health
  • establish your privacy
  • to protect our own life

We think we are all doing this. Commonly instinctively and unconsciously. (We eat, drink, lock our doors and don't go swimming unless we can swim)

I just remember the measurements in Earth&Life ForceOur lifestyles and habits might all need a little extra dose of healthy empowerment.

Moreover, we personally believe that there is one more very good reason to be selfish about:

  • To feel good.

Why seems like a stupid question but let me gather our perspectives: (Be careful, we might shift some reality here) 

Feeling good means, you are happy and in your flow.

  • inspired, eager, enthusiastic and empowered
  • thriving and achieving your tasks joyfully
  • present, clear, creative, emotionally stable, 
  • recognizing your own worth, abilities, and possibilities
  • in your own power to fulfill your desires
  • in a position to uplift others
  • beneficial to others around you

These characteristics describe our fundamental, natural being.

So, actually nothing special to just feel good, right? Just you being yourself.

Therefore, always, our good feeling is (should be) the highest priority for every one of us.

We want you to feel like this every day. From now on, every day a little more and more. Just TUNE IN - BALANCE - RECHARGE. Everything else will follow.

This is why we say: be selfish enough to invite the pleasure of natural balance and empowerment into your life to feel good and to profit from all the beneficial side-effects.

Allow yourself to experience more joy, your worthiness, your own guidance-system and to trust your abilities to create what is important to you.

It is all about you. It is your life. Your Well-Being. Your decisions. You are going to spend the rest of your life with yourself and we wish for you to spend it in ease, fun, and happiness.

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