

Are just thoughts.

A summoned amount of profoundly often thought, heard, or experienced thoughts, information, or feelings. 

These beliefs often develop the strength to manifest themselves not only in your brain but in your overall body-system and function as unconscious patterns.

These beliefs are the thoughts that created 'your reality' you are living and experiencing now in your daily life.

In a situation where your emotions just react, it is because such a 'hidden belief' was triggered according to the law of resonance. Understanding this allows you to acknowledge the perspective that everything is always only about yourself. 

Some of these beliefs are still of help to you while others are outdated. Your feelings, but mostly your emotions are telling you all about it.  

The outdated once make you feel bad and are causing 'problems' in and around you. And more often than not, we believe that we have to fix the 'problem' and stay involved with the low frequency. 

But by doing this, you stay in constant interaction with the ‘old belief’ and it's frequency, moreover it is actually amplifying these ‘negative’, low feeling vibes. This interaction keeps it activated in the NOW and subsequently, will also attract more of these ‘kind of problems’ and moreover confirm you again, that they are real. It's the path of the 'hamster in its wheel'.

Fact is:

  1. There is nothing to fix. It is done already. Whatever happened happened. Past experience.
  2. Your life is only moving forward from NOW on. Every moment.
  3. Nothing is good or bad, it just feels that way to you because of your perspective.
  4. You can step out of the 'hamster-wheel' anytime. Always. NOW.
  5. You can always choose what to think and therefore what to believe.(Best out of a balanced point of view, which means when you are on high vibes: after you have tuned in - balanced - recharged.)

Remember : Everything and all is only frequency. There are just low and high ones. There is nothing else than that.

Together with the Power of the Crystal Pyramids you can easily establish your balance and the connection to the high frequencies through the Earth&Life Force.

By balancing your overall body-system you allow these beliefs to fade out and to receive solutions by connecting to your source and uploading the high frequencies. 

Let this be your highest priority. Change your frequency to feel good. The Crystal Pyramids work like magnets

Remember: Whatever thoughts you give your attention will become more powerful, and will influence you and your forward reality. Your life. So, please be selfish and allow yourself to change your thoughts, or at least diminish them for you to feel good. 

Tune in - Balance - Recharge

Get into your neutral zone and raise your vibes. How to basic

Soon, you will be able to set new beliefs deliberately. How to advance will be ready as you are stable in your basics.

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