

Every one of us experiences reality differently. 

Your 'NOW-Reality' is based upon beliefs of your lived life-story*. These, your beliefs have attracted your experiences according to the law of resonance.

Wow.. so this means everyone 'creates' his/her own reality?

Yes. We all do. Your NOW-real-life reality is a product of your beliefs.

So this means, as I change my beliefs I change my reality?

Yes, of course. Remember the play of frequencies? Just choose how you wanna feel and watch what happens in your reality.

Have you mentioned that similar situations occur in your life story?

Of course, we all do. These are 'old thoughts' still vibrating 'NOW', and will repeat themselves if there are no other beliefs more dominant in your 'NOW'.

Good to Know: Life always only moves forward from the point of NOW. Your 'NOW-thoughts and-feelings' will vibrate forward to attract your future reality.

So, this means: In my NOW I have the possibility to create my future?

Yes, The past is done, even though we are still under influences of its thoughts. Our future has not all been manifested yet, so we can step off the 'Hamster-Wheel'.

How do I do that?

Tune in - Balance - Recharge. That's all.

Your balance is the 'neutral zone' out of polarity and you are on higher vibes, and not influenced by past thoughts.

On higher vibrations, you feel better, clearer, and emotionally calmer to allow new perspectives. 

Just feeling good, balanced, and empowered is all you need and will change the experience of your reality very soon. Everything else will follow.

It is all about you and how you feel. Your feelings follow your thoughts and  will attract according to the law of resonance.

Your job is to just chill and spend some time with the Crystal Pyramids to establish, sustain, and maintain your high vibes and to watch your reality change.

Establish the ease and flow in your life.

Everything else will follow. 


We human-beings are exceptional and more privileged than other living organisms. We have got the fortune of thought. We are able to process information and therefore are able to learn, evolve, and grow into amazing potentials. As we experienced polarity on earth, we developed thoughts into words to name and frame what we experience. We gradually evolved throughout history to what we experience now as our reality, based upon our thoughts. (What we have learned, seen, experienced and come to believe).
Along this way we often forgot, where smarter or had not learned about the stuff we are made of. So with all this in mind, we would like to point out, that our historical evolution and our own life-story has created reality. This is based upon your own beliefs, feelings, and experiences. Everything is a creation arisen from thoughts, as we humans ‘created’ according to what we wanted to have or do. It is the way frequencies work.
Focusing on something will merge the corresponding frequencies to establish in reality. So, everyone’ thinks. Everyone creates! Based on everyone’s own belief system. And as you keep vibrating the way you do, you will see and experience more of this evidences in your reality, it is the law of resonance.  Or shortly said: You see reality according to what you believe.
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