

We all know the polarity thing. There are always two sides to everything: Day and night, black and white, positive or negative, good or bad, high and low (this one also in frequencies).

But also: Polarity is here

  • to provide us with multiple diversities of everything, to learn, experience, and to choose from on a personal level.
  • inside and outside of us and in everyone and experienced differently.
  • for constant interplay from one and the other. This brings the fun of exploring, growing, and evolving while living life.
  • teaching you to learn and find out what you like, want, or desire in life.
  • to offer you to choose what makes you feel good, happy, and empowered.

Our job is, to balance it out in all the varieties it presents itself in our lives.

The Balance Point, the middle, or neutral zone, 'the good place' provides renewal and new empowerment for the next experiences. On low batteries, we are neither fit nor eager enough to accomplish this interplay. 

Every living organ and our planet balance this out for themselves as the Earth and the Universe itself. It is the natural Earth&Life Force. It is a natural and automatic process of existence and of what we are all made of: Frequencies.

Our human body-system naturally works the same way. Inside as body functions and outside in the sense of experiences, thoughts, feelings, and emotions'.

Balance and Recharge are necessary in a world of polarity.

The Crystal Pyramids are the best and most effective tools to let you achieve this easily and to guide you to feeling good while living life.

In a balanced and empowered state you can easily use the perspectives of polarity in a beneficial way for you to find out: 

Which side of polarity are you looking at, or focusing on, what vibes do you keep active?

The next moment is NOW,

where you are able to choose a new thought that feels better, as you know that thoughts create your reality.


To make it as simple as it sounds:

Be selfish and influence yourself.


Feel good and everything else will follow according to the law of resonance.


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